12-16 June, 2007
SLMK - the Swedish affiliate of IPPNW sent a delegation of 3 students and 1 doctor to Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).
The delegation aimed at strengthening the relationship with the DPRK affiliate of IPPNW, spreading awareness on nuclear weapon issues to medical students and doctors, increasing our knowledge about the health care situation in DPRK.
In Pyongyang, Mr Kang Mun Ryol, executive secretary of Korean Anti-Nuke Peace Physicians (KANPP) had prepared an extensive program for us, including visits to a General clinic, the Pyongyang University of Medicine, a maternity hospital, a hospital for traditional medicine and the Pyongyang Institute of Nutritional Care of Children. We also visited the demilitarised zone on the border to Republic of Korea (South Korea).
In our meetings with health care personnel we were surprised how openly we could discuss IPPNW and its philosophy and methods. We explained our opinions on nuclear weapon issues.
We had a 2 hour meeting with 9 medical students and the Dean at the Pyongyang University of Medicine. We explained the IPPNW Student Movement, Dr Martin Tondel had a presentation on health consequences after exposure to radioactivity.
We also talked about the importance of working with nuclear weapon related issues. In the end we had a very informal discussion and handed over material including IPPNW and SLMK publications and Medical literature.
Our meetings with KANPP were focusing on how we could help each other and what our future cooperation will include. Finally, KANPP are warmly welcoming the IPPNW delegation to DPRK in September.
On behalf of SLMK and IPPNW
Martin Tondel, MD PhD, vice chairman of SLMK
Wenjing Tao, coordinator of NWIP
Johannes Norberg, Student Representative of Sweden
Thomas Silfverberg, Member of SLMK Election Committe