2-7th of April 2007 In April 2007 a group of medical students from Nuclear Weapons Inheritance Project visited their fellow students in Tehran. The delegates included Camilla Mattsson, Karin Svensson and Wenjing Tao from Sweden, and Jakob Gierten from Germany. This was the first NWIP delegation to Iran and was a follow-up to the last visit the Swedish affiliate of IPPNW (SLMK) made to Tehran 20-23rd of January 2007. Our host in Iran was students and doctors from SCVWS Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support, who is on their way of forming a suborganisation so called PSR Iran that will become the iranian affiliate of IPPNW. During the last visit, the Iranian students showed great interest in starting up local activities in Tehran. Therefor the planning of a second student delegation to Iran was initiated with the aim of informing the Iranian students about the IPPNW student movement and helping them starting up a local active group under the frame of IPPNW.
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