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Online Course Medical Peace Work

Successful MPW MOOC

08/24/2017 2.200 students participated in the first round of the MPW MOOC (massive open online course) on the role of healthcare in maintaining and building peaceful societies. The course included two hours of training per week and helped to understand how violence affects health in multiple ways and how medical peace work has an impact on health, violence prevention and peace-building. Many participants came from UK, Germany, Canada, USA, Kenya etc.

The next MOOC-round will take part on October 2, 2017.

Register now at: www.futurelearn.com/courses/medical-peace-work

Medicine, Conflict and Survival, August 9,2017

Healing under fire – medical peace work in the field

08/09/2017 On August 9, 2017, the journal „Medicine, Conflict and Survival“ published the article „Healing under fire – medical peace work in the field“ from Louisa Chan Boegli and Maria Gabriella Arcadu. Both authors have been instrumental in defining and launching the World Health Organisation´s Health as a Bridge to Peace programme in the 1990s, and are now involved in the MPW partner organization 4Change, whose focus is on the education of health professionals in reducing violence and performing peacebuilding actions. In their article, Louisa Chan Boegli and Maria Gabriella Arcadu write about lessons from a project in Southern Thailand and three asessments carried out in Myanmar, along the Syrian Borders and in Iraqi Kurdistan.

News release, International Peace Day

European health groups launch Medical Peace Work Case Studies


21.09.2015 European health groups today launched new educational materials to educate nurses, doctors, students and others on the health aspects of war, violence and armed conflict. The new case studies form part of the Medical Peace Work framework and depict challenging situations for health professionals in the search of preventing and reducing violence – as well as promoting peace, sustainable development, and human rights. They aim to show the role of doctors, nurses and others in building trust, understanding, mutually enriching structures, and cultures of peace.


New project: Medical Peace Work 3

Medical Peace Work has gone into a third project round. It has been selected for EU-funding in the period 2014-2016. The new project aims to increase the MPW performance among health professionals through the use of case-based learning methodology. Ten partner organizations will collaborate to develop and to implement narrative case studies, audio-visual cases and a new case-based online course. In contrast to the existing seven MPW courses, the new material will be produced for group work and peer learning, both in formal and non‐formal education. Four of the partner organizations have former experience in collaborating through the MPW partnership. Six new members are included: IPPNW-Norway, Coalition for Work With Psychotrauma and Peace, Samaritan Austria State of Styria, 4-change, The Case Centre, and Medical Mission Institute Würzburg.

By Dr. Hellen Barsosio, IPPNW

Planting a Seed: Introducing Medical Peace Work to Medical Students in Africa

Peace & Health Blog

03/26/2014 Medical students growing up in most African countries are confronted and sometimes overwhelmed by the varied needs in their societies including war, disease, poverty, violence, inequality and political instability. With this ‘confrontation’ comes the need to ‘fix’ whatever is wrong. In the past few years, we have noted that African medical students and young doctors are awakening to their responsibility to being more than just hospital workers. One of these areas of awakening is peace work.


News Release

Turkish doctor wins medical peace work prize

International Medical Peace Award

10/16/2011 The 2011 International Medical Peace Award has been given to Prof. Dr. Sebnem Korur Fincanci for her courageous opposition to torture and human rights abuses. Dr Fincanci, who is a coroner, high school teacher and president of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey received the award in recognition of her outstanding medical peace work.


News release, 27th January 2011

European health groups launch Medical Peace Work courses



European health groups launched today seven freely available, interactive online courses in violence prevention and peacebuilding. The aim of the courses is to educate health professionals about the impact of war and other forms of violence on the health of individuals and populations, and to show how they can make a positive and particular contribution to peace building, violence prevention and conflict transformation. The courses provide the participants with new insights about the special role and responsibility of healthcare professionals in peace work.


Medical Peace Work

Internet course starts on its second round


The internet course for Medical Peace Work starts on its second round. The cost-free training offer for physicians, healthcare professionals and medical students is online since two years. The course is subdivided into seven modules, which provide the participants with new insights about the role of healthcare professionals in peace progress.


Medical Peace Work

Launch of e-learning course

03/11/2008 The course is the world´s first of its kind and it applies the latest e-learning technology in offering seven separate but interlinked modules, available free of charge to physicians, health workers and students globally. The MPW-partnership is built on an already existing European network of medical peace organizations and teaching institutions that gathered during The Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in 1999 and the IPPNW World Congress in Paris in the year 2000.


Medical Peace Work

Health Personnel in Violence Prevention

"The role of physicians and other health workers in the preservation and promotion of peace is the most significant factor for the attainment of health for all." (World Health Assembly, Resolution 34.38, 1981) With the Medical Peace Work project we wish to strengthen a new field in medicine and health sciences that deals with the role and professional responsibility of health workers in violence prevention and sustainable peace building.
