www.ippnw-europe.org  | en | Events | European Meeting
Wednesday, 5. February 2025

European IPPNW Meeting: Documentation

How to prevent a nuclear war in Europe

(updated continuously):

There are no small nuclear weapons, not even in Europe!
Web version Vienna Conference
Moritz Kütt and Annika Simon, IFSH

Dangers of nuclear power in war and nuclear proliferation
Linda Pentz Gunter, Beyond Nuclear

Greeting from Second Mayor of Hamburg
Katharina Fegebank

Nuclear Weapon-free Zones as a strategy to abolish nuclear deterrence
Tarja Cronberg, former MEP, SIPRI, Chair Finnish Peace Union

Cities are not targets
Carlos Umaña, IPPNW Co-President, Costa Rica/Spain

Hamburg Declaration
on the Danger of Nuclear War


Video report Euronews: Demonstrators gather in Hamburg against threat of nuclear confrontation in Ukraine, https://www.euronews.com/video/2023/01/23/demonstrators-gathered-in-hamburg-against-threat-of-nuclear-confrontation-in-ukraine

Pressenza Greece: European IPPNW decides to continue the fight for a nuclear-free world (Greek) https://www.pressenza.com/el/2023/01/sunexisei-tou-agwna-gia-ena-kosmo-xwris-purhnika/


Flickr gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ippnw/albums/72177720305393285

IPPNW European Regional Meeting Hamburg


20-22 Jan, 2023
St. Ansgar-Haus, Schmilinskystr. 78, 20099 Hamburg

FRI 20/01

Arrival and registration

Evening meal and greeting by Ute Rippel-Lau (IPPNW Hamburg and board member IPPNW Germany)

followed by get-together, introductions and affiliate exchange
Marianne Begemann,
IPPNW Vice-President for Europe

SAT 21/01

Coffee, registration

Parallel interactive skills sharing sessions:
Social media (Emma Pike, IPPNW Geneva Desk)
Political advocacy (Tuva Krogh Widskjold, Norwegian IPPNW and Carlos Umaña, IPPNW Co-President)

11:00 ONLINE
Student session with Sara Kuiter and Dirk Hoogenkamp (European Student Reps)
• Open space / Film session

Lunch break

14:00 ONLINE

Prohibition of nuclear weapons
Alexander Kmentt, Ministry of European and International Affairs, Austria (live online)

There are no small nuclear weapons, not even in Europe!
Moritz Kütt and Annika Simon, IFSH

Dangers of nuclear power in war and nuclear proliferation
Linda Pentz Gunter, Beyond Nuclear

Coffee/tea break

16:00 ONLINE
Interactive affiliate discussion
on strategy, expectations, common projects

Visit to Nikolai Memorial Church and Tower

Greeting from Second-Mayor of Hamburg Katharina Fegebank

Nuclear Weapon-free Zones as a strategy to abolish nuclear deterrence
Tarja Cronberg, former MEP, SIPRI, Chair Finnish Peace Union

Cities are not targets
Carlos Umaña, IPPNW Co-President, Costa Rica/Spain

Music by Jana Gugenheimer (Piano) and Martin Münninghoff (Cello)

20:00 / 20:30
Begin of Evening meal at Restaurant "Porto"

SUN 22/01

10:00 ONLINE
Election of RVPs

Affiliate discussion and decisions:
Priorities, next steps and dates

Summer School in Poland
Boghdan Wasilewski, IPPNW Poland, Angelika Claussen, IPPNW Vice-President for Europe

IPPNW Student Movement past, present and future challenges
Bimal Khadka (IPPNW Deputy Chair)

11:30 ONLINE
Climate and war
Angelika Claussen, IPPNW Vice-President for Europe

Lunch break

Nuclear weapons are banned!
Action for 2nd anniversary of entry into force of TPNW at City Hall

Programme as PDF